You usually hire someone for your staff hoping that the person hold skills and knowledge that will benefit your institution. However quickly developing firms soon can face the problem that the knowledge inside the firm is not enough anymore to handle all the challenges that are emerging at the company. Efficiency is low, new customer needs can not be answered, processes are not quick enough – but resources for hiring new colleagues are very limited. In these situations usually providing some training to the old staff is more economic than trying to integrate newcomers in an organisation in the middle of a crisis.
Or educational portfolio covers three major fields. We offer courses on corporate finance, business valuation and managerial accounting from beginner to after MSc/MBA in Finance level. Our general course dedicated to those holding non-financial degrees or not working in the field is particularly popular. It gives a general overview on the functions of a firm, the link among business functions while presenting their role in the consumer and shareholder value creation.
A special need is fulfilled by our courses on the popular spreadsheet editor. The entry level for these is the knowledge you can gain at courses with similar titles. We recommend these training to those who could only increase their knowledge until now on their own, asking for tips and tricks when looking at their colleagues working. The Programming Excel course is especially useful for those using spreadsheets on a daily basis and having to perform long, monotone tasks or use functions embedded in each other at multiple level to get the required results.
Our communication trainings are aimed at professionals having a regular contact with journalists. We cover from release writing through press conference organising to PR-article writing each and every vital field. You can get used to interviews in real-life-like conditions and get information on your rights associated with the article or program prepared. Or presentation training is developed for people having to present their ideas in front of smaller or bigger groups regularly. You can learn not only how to structure your presentation, the right way of formatting your slides but also how to handle conflicts during the presentation.
We use always tailor-made material aligning in covered fields, details and timetable to your needs. We also provide one-to-one training which is especially popular among busy top managers willing to enhance their knowledge. Most of our courses are available in Hungarian and in English too.
Our most popular courses/trainings are:
- Basics of finance and accounting
- Value based management, business economics
- Business valuation
- Valuing and managing intellectual capital
- Preparatory course for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam
- MS Excel for advanced users
- Programming MS Excel (user defined functions and macros)
- Communication training (press contact, appearing in the media)
- Presentation training