Turning value into success. In our experience, this is the conversion causing the biggest trouble for entrepreneurs, firms, institutions, local communities, and professionals. In our more than a decade long experience as a management consultant, a university professor, and an editor-journalist we saw so many times good ideas to fall, firms with excellent products to disappear, and great professionals to get lost in a bureaucratic hierarchy. One common bond of all these cases is that those involved could not turn the value (knowledge, quality, idea, and competitive advantage) they possessed into a real result (carrier, success, profit, market share).
The market mechanisms sort out the market players regularly. But while we welcome the retreat of firms without real value, simply copying competitors or just building their business on unfair marketing tricks, we often see companies failing because they were just unable to use and sell the values they owned. Our mission is to help these entities to strengthen, to develop, and to be more successful.
We do not promise wonders, painless treatments or speedy changes. We do not use unnecessary “magic words”. We do not say we could answer any question. We are best in helping to evade errors and traps that can be foreseen and that were disregarded by others before. Remember: a clever person can only learn of the mistakes of others once she/he knows of those. And we have seen a lot of them.
You may also take a profit from our services once
- you are about to found a firm, but do not know too much about business planning,
- you are very familiar with the technological side of your business, but your firm still misses the financial knowledge,
- your business problems are getting you down and you are about to miss the overview,
- your company is functioning well from the technology side but the expected profit still would not come,
- you face business, financial or strategic problems you can not manage on your own, but you have none to share the burden with,
- you want to sell your firm or buy the business of someone else.
Call us, we will solve it together.
Péter Juhász, PhD, CFA
CEO – partner