In unique business situations you might face the problem of not having the required knowledge in house which is typical for SMEs. Though while for most of the owners and managers it is natural to hire an accountant, an IT service provider or supervisor, a marketing agency or a subcontractor, rarely do top managers think of asking financial professionals for advice before key strategic or financial decisions. Asking an outsider has another important advantage: privacy. You do not have to share your personal information with friends or family members to make someone listen or to get an advise of questionable quality. In special cases (restructuring, training) it is even an advantage when uncomfortable steps are proposed by an outsider.

We can help you especially in the following fields:

  • Business planning and controlling
  • Crisis management, restructuring
  • Developing financing and working capital policy
  • Calculating the efficiency of investment projects
  • Evaluating business options
  • Business appraisal
  • Uncovering, valuing, managing intellectual capital
  • Value based management systems, integrating shareholder view
  • Developing financial criteria for public procurements